Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Pet Portraiture in Lindford for Rufus the Boxer Dog

Main website: http://www.samcarterphotography.com/

A photographic portrait of a pet can make a fantastic gift and that is exactly what Liz from Lindford contacted me about a couple of weeks ago.

Liz wanted to give her daughter, Clare, a wonderful portrait of Clare's Boxer Dog, Rufus, for Christmas and I went along to Liz's home last week to meet her and Rufus and carry out the shoot.

I was told that Rufus could sometimes be a bit nervous around things he was unsure of and I didn't want to use my studio lighting if it was going to upset him, after all who wants a picture of their dog looking unhappy! So I used natural lighting for all the shots.

Rufus was a great dog and it didn't take him very long to get used to me and having a camera pointed at him. After a couple of minutes he relaxed and his character started to shine through.

The session lasted about an hour which was a confortable time for Rufus. We took a few photos inside as Liz's lounge had plently of natural light, and then moved out into the garden.

It was easy to keep Rufus interested in the session by letting him do his own thing and playing with him. This really brought out a natural look to the image rather than a posed one and let Rufus' character show through into the images.

You get a much more individual pet portrait by just observing and photographing the animal doing their own thing rather than trying to pose them which most of the time will just leave you with a stressed out pet and that will show in the photographs.

They say never work with children or animals but Rufus was a real delight to spend time with, observe and photograph.

If you are interested in have your pet photographed, or would like to give a pet portrait as a gift then please visit our main website at http://www.samcarterphotography.com/ or contact us on 07943 953009 or enquiries@samcarterphotography.com

Friday, 13 November 2009

Photography for the Fay Family's New Baby by Sam Carter

Website: http://www.samcarterphotography.com/

This week I was asked to take some family portrait photographs to celebrate the arrival of baby Alistair to the Fay family. Grandparents, aunts and uncles joined mum and dad (Cher and Toby) for little Alistair's first photo shoot. Because Alistair was only 3 weeks old I was reluctant to use any flash photography, and even the studio lighting didn't seem to go down too well with him so natural lighting was used in all the shots.

With the exception of a few gripes, baby Alistair was as good as gold and slept through the majority of shots with the aid of a Winnie the Pooh music box!
Babies grow so fast, before you know it they are crawling, walking, starting school and leaving home. Why not stop time, if only for a moment, with a portrait your your little angel (or little devil?). A beautiful portrait will be a wonderful warming addition to your home and something you can treasure for years to come. Visit our main website at http://www.samcarterphotography.com/ for details of our portrait packages or contact us on 07943 953009, email: enquiries@samcarterphotography.com.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Portrait Photography for Nicola Sarnecki by Sam Carter Photography

Visit our main website at http://www.samcarterphotography.com/.

Last week I ran a portrait photography session for Nicola Sarnecki. The session was a birthday present for Nikki from her Mum and something which Nikki had never done before. The session was great fun. Nikki made my job very easy being very photogenic and comfortable in front of the camera (I myself, like many other photographers, am much happier behind the lens!). We tried a variety of high key shots to reflect Nikki's spirit of fun, and also some outdoors shots to give a more natural portrait. Some of Nikki's friends, her little sister and even the pet rabbit joined in the session which lasted about an hour and a half. A big thank you to Nikki, her family and friends for making me so welcome in their home and making this photography session so much fun.

Photographic portraits make great gifts for your friends and family. If you, like me, get stumped when it comes to Christmas presents for people dear to you, why not give them a gift certificate for one of our portrait packages. Photographic portraits make a fantastic, personal and unusual gift for that someone special. Visit our main website at http://www.samcarterphotography.com/ for details of all our portrait packages.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Wedding & Portrait Photographer for Hampshire, Surrey & Susex

Hello and welcome to my new blog.
I am a professional photographer based in Hampshire and serving Hampshire, Surrey and West Sussex.
I specialise in weddings, portraits, events and special occasions.
If you are looking for a photographer for your wedding or other event, please visit my website at http://www.samcarterphotography.com to view details of my work.
If you have any comments about my work please feel free to add them. Why not join as a follower as well?
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and come back again soon for more news and photographs!
Until next time,