Friday, 20 August 2010

Wedding Photography for Yvonne & Richard at West End Church & Camberly Heath Golf Club, by Sam Carter Photography

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On 7th August the rain came down but it didn't dampen the spirits of Yvonne, Richard or any of the guests at their wedding.

Yvonne looked stunning and was a picture of serenity as she was walked down the aisle of West End church by her son, Rob. The bridesmaids looked fabulous in navy blue and navy and ivory dresses. The ceremony went without a hitch (pardon the pun) and as we left the church the rain lifted and the sun came out.

At Camberley Heath Golf Club the wedding breakfast guests were entertained by close-up magician Noel Qualter ( and beautiful music from a Harpist. As the light faded, the party got started with live music and dancing. It was a fantastic day and a couple of rainbows even put in an appearance in the late afternoon sky.

For more information on our wedding photography services please visit our website at or email us at

1 comment:

  1. Great set pf photographs Sam. I love the shot of Yvonne, what a radiant smile she has.

